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  您好,我是集集鎮長 陳紀衡,自2014年以政治素人的身分投入政治,參選集集鎮長,決心為故鄉的發展貢獻一己之力。但一座小鎮要有全面性的規劃,並非靠鎮長8年任期就能完成,因此我與公所團隊決定大聲地與各位分享我們對集集鎮的9項願景,願你我共同傳承這樣的意志,延續小鎮願景。


【集集好好】外國朋友怎麼到集集?(What a Jiji Town-The best way to get to Jiji town)

【集集好好】外國朋友怎麼到集集?(What a Jiji Town-The best way to get to Jiji town)

前往集集的交通攻略(Transportation Tips for DIY Travelers) ●搭火車by train(以台北出發為例ex: from Taipei) Taoyuan International Airport(桃園國際機場) ---(Taoyuan Airport MRT:30 mins $150) →Taipei HSR station(台北高鐵站) ---( THSR:60 mins $700) → Taichung HSR station(台中高鐵站) ---( 5mins Walk) → Xinwuri TRA Station(台鐵新烏日站) ---( TRA:50mins $61) →Ershui TRA Station(台鐵二水站) ---( Jiji Branch Line:30mins $30) →Jiji station (台鐵集集站) ●搭客運by bus(以台北出發為例ex: from Taipei) Taoyuan International Airport(桃園國際機場) ---( Kuo-Kuang 1860 Bus:150mins $300) → Taichung Bus Terminal (台中轉運站) ---( 5mins Walk) → All-Day Bus Gancheng Station (總達干城站) ---( All-Day 6333A Bus:90mins $138) → All-Day Bus Jiji Station (總達集集站) ※總達干城站Google定位)All-Day Bus Gancheng Station Google Location: 英文旁白:集集鎮長陳紀衡 (Narrated by the Mayor of Jiji Town, Chen Ji-Heng) 感謝單位(Special Thanks to the): 台灣高鐵(Taiwan High Speed Rail) 台灣鐵路管理局(Taiwan Railways Administration) // 集集好好,集結美好。 把集集最好的故事跟您分享。 他是陳紀衡,集集鎮長。 但在影片中,他只是一個深愛故鄉的在地人…… 熱切地與您分享 集集的美 What a Jiji Town! Here, we share interesting stories about this lovely rural town, Jiji. And invite our mayor, a man who loves his hometown deeply, to share the goodness of this wonderful place. 鎮長的話-為何用英文拍? 雙語教育成為越來越多家長關心的議題,但我想提醒每個正在學習英文的集集孩子,英文不是學科,而是一個讓世界認識自己的一項工具,所以我們不應該只是學好英文,而是要懂得用英文表達自己,介紹自己的家鄉。 因此我希望能從自身做起,用英文介紹我深愛的集集小鎮,期盼長大之後的你們也能夠自信並流暢地大聲告訴全世界,你們來自一個被集集大山擁抱,濁水大溪祝福的小鎮-集集。 The words from the mayor - Why did we shoot this video in English? Bilingualism has been receiving increasing attention among Taiwanese parents. However, kids learning English need to understand that English language is not simply a subject to conquer. It is a tool for you to communicate with the world about yourself, about where you came from. More than learning to speak good English, we should learn how to better express ourselves in English. Hence, to better illustrate this idea, I am setting an example by introducing my beloved hometown, Jiji town, using English in these videos. Here is hoping every kid of Jiji town will be able to confidently express themselves in time to come. You can then give a shoutout to the world about your beautiful rural hometown, one that embraces the Jiji mountain and Zhuoshui river - A lovely town named Jiji. 👉歡迎來集集 ! 詳情資訊請見粉絲專頁 (Check-out our fanpage for more information) 👉關注鎮長動態 (Meet the Mayor of Jiji Town) 💖如果喜歡今天的影片的話,請幫我們按讚或訂閱💖
【集集好好】全台最小的夜市,每攤都好吃(What a JiJi Town- The smallest night market in Taiwan):Be a Local Tourist

【集集好好】全台最小的夜市,每攤都好吃(What a JiJi Town- The smallest night market in Taiwan):Be a Local Tourist

集集夜市很小,幾乎沒有過路的一次客,因此夜市裡的攤販大多是深受鎮民喜愛的口味,還有許多沒介紹到的夜市美食等著你去品嘗喔! Jiji Night Market is very small, any vendor in the night market could be the favorite tastes of certain groups of locals. Besides the foods we have introduced in video, there are more night market delicacies waiting for you to taste! See you~ Open: 每周二、六(Every Tuesday and Saturday) Google定位(Location): ...................................................... 《華山基金會集集站》孤老認助募集中💪 ✅認助年菜一份700 ✅每日40元,每月1250元,認助一位長輩 ✅隨喜金額 ✅擔任義工 捐款方式: 🎖線上捐款: (請選擇「集集愛心天使站」照顧在地長輩 ) 🎖郵政劃撥:19929843 ❤️戶名:華山基金會 (備註欄:集集站110春節) 💓ATM轉帳匯款:004臺灣銀行城中分行045-004-833-067 匯款後請務必來電告知後5碼,以利開立收據 🎄歡迎來電索取定期定額捐款授權書(信用卡/金融轉帳) ☎️愛心專線(049)2764418曾站長 ...................................................... 集集好好,集結美好。 把集集最好的故事跟您分享。 他是陳紀衡,集集鎮長。 但在影片中,他只是一個深愛故鄉的在地人…… 熱切地與您分享 集集的美 What a Jiji Town! Here, we share interesting stories about this lovely rural town, Jiji. And invite our mayor, a man who loves his hometown deeply, to share the goodness of this wonderful place. 鎮長的話-為何用英文拍? 雙語教育成為越來越多家長關心的議題,但我想提醒每個正在學習英文的集集孩子,英文不是學科,而是一個讓世界認識自己的一項工具,所以我們不應該只是學好英文,而是要懂得用英文表達自己,介紹自己的家鄉。 因此我希望能從自身做起,用英文介紹我深愛的集集小鎮,期盼長大之後的你們也能夠自信並流暢地大聲告訴全世界,你們來自一個被集集大山擁抱,濁水大溪祝福的小鎮-集集。 The words from the mayor - Why did we shoot this video in English? Bilingualism has been receiving increasing attention among Taiwanese parents. However, kids learning English need to understand that English language is not simply a subject to conquer. It is a tool for you to communicate with the world about yourself, about where you came from. More than learning to speak good English, we should learn how to better express ourselves in English. Hence, to better illustrate this idea, I am setting an example by introducing my beloved hometown, Jiji town, using English in these videos. Here is hoping every kid of Jiji town will be able to confidently express themselves in time to come. You can then give a shoutout to the world about your beautiful rural hometown, one that embraces the Jiji mountain and Zhuoshui river - A lovely town named Jiji. ...................................................... 英文旁白:集集鎮長陳紀衡 (Narrated by the Mayor of Jiji Town, Chen Ji-Heng) 感謝單位(Special Thanks to the): 華山基金會(Huashan Social Welfare Foundation, Link- ) 夜市裡辛苦擺攤的攤販們(All Vendors in Jiji Night Market ) ...................................................... 背景音樂(Track Info): It's Not Christmas Time (Without You) [feat. Kimmy Baggins] by RYYZN Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: its-not-christmas-time-without-you Music promoted by Audio Library Feel Better by Roa Music Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library ...................................................... 歡迎來集集 ! 詳情資訊請見粉絲專頁 : 如果喜歡今天的影片的話,請幫我們按讚或訂閱 訂閱頻道 :
【集集好好】跟著農夫玩集集(What a JiJi Town- Discover Tasty JiJi Town With Local Farmers)

【集集好好】跟著農夫玩集集(What a JiJi Town- Discover Tasty JiJi Town With Local Farmers)

聯絡集集休閒農業區(Book a tour in JiJi Agri-tourism Area) (集集休區粉絲專頁Fanpage) . 集集好好,集結美好。 把集集最好的故事跟您分享。 他是陳紀衡,集集鎮長。 但在影片中,他只是一個深愛故鄉的在地人…… 熱切地與您分享 集集的美 What a good Jiji! Here, we share interesting stories about this lovely rural town, Jiji. And invite our mayor, a man who loves his hometown deeply, to share the goodness of this wonderful place. 鎮長的話-為何用英文拍? 雙語教育成為越來越多家長關心的議題,但我想提醒每個正在學習英文的集集孩子,英文不是學科,而是一個讓世界認識自己的一項工具,所以我們不應該只是學好英文,而是要懂得用英文表達自己,介紹自己的家鄉。 因此我希望能從自身做起,用英文介紹我深愛的集集小鎮,期盼長大之後的你們也能夠自信並流暢地大聲告訴全世界,你們來自一個被集集大山擁抱,濁水大溪祝福的小鎮-集集。 The words from the mayor - Why did we shoot this video in English? Bilingualism has been receiving increasing attention among Taiwanese parents. However, kids learning English need to understand that English language is not simply a subject to conquer. It is a tool for you to communicate with the world about yourself, about where you came from. More than learning to speak good English, we should learn how to better express ourselves in English. Hence, to better illustrate this idea, I am setting an example by introducing my beloved hometown, Jiji town, using English in these videos. Here is hoping every kid of Jiji town will be able to confidently express themselves in time to come. You can then give a shoutout to the world about your beautiful rural hometown, one that embraced by the Jiji mountain and Zhuoshui river - A lovely town named Jiji. ...................................................... 英文旁白:集集鎮長陳紀衡 (Narrated by the Mayor of Jiji Town, Chen Ji-Heng) 感謝單位(Special Thanks to the): 集集休閒農業區(Jiji Agri-tourism Area, Link- ) 集集史瑞克火龍果(Shrek Dragon fruit, Link- ) 芭樂農夫-石文龍(Guava farmer- Shih, Wen-Long) 集元果香蕉觀光工廠(Jijibanana Tourist Factory, Link- ) ...................................................... 背景音樂(Track Info): Freedom - Atch Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library ...................................................... Free by LiQWYD Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library ...................................................... 歡迎來集集 ! 詳情資訊請見粉絲專頁 : 如果喜歡今天的影片的話,請幫我們按讚或訂閱 訂閱頻道 :
【集集好好】集集最美的自行車道 (What a JiJi Town- How You Enjoy Jiji Town by Bike):Be a Local Tourist in Jiji Town

【集集好好】集集最美的自行車道 (What a JiJi Town- How You Enjoy Jiji Town by Bike):Be a Local Tourist in Jiji Town

集集好好,集結美好。 把集集最好的故事跟您分享。 他是陳紀衡,集集鎮長。 但在影片中,他只是一個深愛故鄉的在地人…… 熱切地與您分享 集集的美 What a Jiji Town! Here, we share interesting stories about this lovely rural town, Jiji. And invite our mayor, a man who loves his hometown deeply, to share the goodness of this wonderful place. 鎮長的話-為何用英文拍? 雙語教育成為越來越多家長關心的議題,但我想提醒每個正在學習英文的集集孩子,英文不是學科,而是一個讓世界認識自己的一項工具,所以我們不應該只是學好英文,而是要懂得用英文表達自己,介紹自己的家鄉。 因此我希望能從自身做起,用英文介紹我深愛的集集小鎮,期盼長大之後的你們也能夠自信並流暢地大聲告訴全世界,你們來自一個被集集大山擁抱,濁水大溪祝福的小鎮-集集。 The words from the mayor - Why did we shoot this video in English? Bilingualism has been receiving increasing attention among Taiwanese parents. However, kids learning English need to understand that English language is not simply a subject to conquer. It is a tool for you to communicate with the world about yourself, about where you came from. More than learning to speak good English, we should learn how to better express ourselves in English. Hence, to better illustrate this idea, I am setting an example by introducing my beloved hometown, Jiji town, using English in these videos. Here is hoping every kid of Jiji town will be able to confidently express themselves in time to come. You can then give a shoutout to the world about your beautiful rural hometown, one that embraces the Jiji mountain and Zhuoshui river - A lovely town named Jiji. --------------------------------- 英文旁白:集集鎮長陳紀衡 (Narrated by the Mayor of Jiji Town, Chen Ji-Heng) 感謝單位(Special Thanks to the): 麻吉租車 Macchi Bicycle Rental 集寶租車Jibao Gogoro Rental --------------------------------- 背景音樂(Track Info): Sunray valley by Scandinavianz Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library Italian Afternoon by Twin Musicom Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library --------------------------------- 👉歡迎來集集 ! 詳情資訊請見粉絲專頁 (Check-out our fanpage for more information) 👉關注鎮長動態 (Meet the Mayor of Jiji Town) 💖如果喜歡今天的影片的話,請幫我們按讚或訂閱💖
【集集好好】集集紙芝居-一場小旅行看見台灣200年(What a Jiji Town - Jiji Story Travel-Seeing 200 years of Taiwan in Jiji)

【集集好好】集集紙芝居-一場小旅行看見台灣200年(What a Jiji Town - Jiji Story Travel-Seeing 200 years of Taiwan in Jiji)

集集好好,集結美好。 把集集最好的故事跟您分享。 他是陳紀衡,集集鎮長。 但在影片中,他只是一個深愛故鄉的在地人…… 熱切地與您分享 集集的美 What a Jiji Town! Here, we share interesting stories about this lovely rural town, Jiji. And invite our mayor, a man who loves his hometown deeply, to share the goodness of this wonderful place. 鎮長的話-為何用英文拍? 雙語教育成為越來越多家長關心的議題,但我想提醒每個正在學習英文的集集孩子,英文不是學科,而是一個讓世界認識自己的一項工具,所以我們不應該只是學好英文,而是要懂得用英文表達自己,介紹自己的家鄉。 因此我希望能從自身做起,用英文介紹我深愛的集集小鎮,期盼長大之後的你們也能夠自信並流暢地大聲告訴全世界,你們來自一個被集集大山擁抱,濁水大溪祝福的小鎮-集集。 The words from the mayor - Why did we shoot this video in English? Bilingualism has been receiving increasing attention among Taiwanese parents. However, kids learning English need to understand that English language is not simply a subject to conquer. It is a tool for you to communicate with the world about yourself, about where you came from. More than learning to speak good English, we should learn how to better express ourselves in English. Hence, to better illustrate this idea, I am setting an example by introducing my beloved hometown, Jiji town, using English in these videos. Here is hoping every kid of Jiji town will be able to confidently express themselves in time to come. You can then give a shoutout to the world about your beautiful rural hometown, one that embraces the Jiji mountain and Zhuoshui river - A lovely town named Jiji. 👉歡迎來集集 ! 詳情資訊請見粉絲專頁 (Check-out our fanpage for more information) 👉關注鎮長動態 (Meet the Mayor of Jiji Town) 💖如果喜歡今天的影片的話,請幫我們按讚或訂閱💖 // 英文旁白:集集鎮長陳紀衡 (Narrated by the Mayor of Jiji Town, Chen Ji-Heng) 感謝單位(Special Thanks to the): 空集合(JiJi TīN) 背景音樂(Track Info): Track: Someday — Roa [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: Free Download / Stream:
【集集好好】從綠色隧道萌芽的集集陶美學(What a Jiji Town-The Jiji Green Tunnel and The Greatness of Jiji Ceramic Art)

【集集好好】從綠色隧道萌芽的集集陶美學(What a Jiji Town-The Jiji Green Tunnel and The Greatness of Jiji Ceramic Art)

集集陶體驗(Jiji Ceramic Experience) 添興窯(Tianxing Kiln) Facebook Page: Website: Google Location: 活石窯(Living Stone Kiln) Facebook Page: Website: Google Location: ...................................................... 英文旁白:集集鎮長陳紀衡 (Narrated by the Mayor of Jiji Town, Chen Ji-Heng) 感謝單位(Special Thanks to the): 添興窯(Tianxing Kiln) 青年陶藝師-林欣頡 (Jaee, Link- ) 青年陶藝師-張寗鑫(Losa Cola, Link- ) // 集集好好,集結美好。 把集集最好的故事跟您分享。 他是陳紀衡,集集鎮長。 但在影片中,他只是一個深愛故鄉的在地人…… 熱切地與您分享 集集的美 What a Jiji Town! Here, we share interesting stories about this lovely rural town, Jiji. And invite our mayor, a man who loves his hometown deeply, to share the goodness of this wonderful place. 鎮長的話-為何用英文拍? 雙語教育成為越來越多家長關心的議題,但我想提醒每個正在學習英文的集集孩子,英文不是學科,而是一個讓世界認識自己的一項工具,所以我們不應該只是學好英文,而是要懂得用英文表達自己,介紹自己的家鄉。 因此我希望能從自身做起,用英文介紹我深愛的集集小鎮,期盼長大之後的你們也能夠自信並流暢地大聲告訴全世界,你們來自一個被集集大山擁抱,濁水大溪祝福的小鎮-集集。 The words from the mayor - Why did we shoot this video in English? Bilingualism has been receiving increasing attention among Taiwanese parents. However, kids learning English need to understand that English language is not simply a subject to conquer. It is a tool for you to communicate with the world about yourself, about where you came from. More than learning to speak good English, we should learn how to better express ourselves in English. Hence, to better illustrate this idea, I am setting an example by introducing my beloved hometown, Jiji town, using English in these videos. Here is hoping every kid of Jiji town will be able to confidently express themselves in time to come. You can then give a shoutout to the world about your beautiful rural hometown, one that embraces the Jiji mountain and Zhuoshui river - A lovely town named Jiji. 👉歡迎來集集 ! 詳情資訊請見粉絲專頁 (Check-out our fanpage for more information) 👉關注鎮長動態 (Meet the Mayor of Jiji Town) 💖如果喜歡今天的影片的話,請幫我們按讚或訂閱💖
【集集好好】認識台灣特有種的好地方 (The Best Place for You to Know Taiwan Endemic Species):Be a Local Tourist

【集集好好】認識台灣特有種的好地方 (The Best Place for You to Know Taiwan Endemic Species):Be a Local Tourist

臉書粉絲專頁(Facebook Fanpage): 開館時間:9:00~16:30(最後入場時間Last Entrance:16:00) 1.週一固定休館,但遇國定假日或補假則照常開放。 (Closed on Every Monday) 2.除夕及大年初一。 (Closed on The First day and Second day of Lunar New Year Vacation) 3.每半年定期維修(6月1~10日,12月1~10日)。 (Closed during Annual Maintenance :June 1~10;Dec. 1~10 ) ...................................................... 集集好好,集結美好。 把集集最好的故事跟您分享。 他是陳紀衡,集集鎮長。 但在影片中,他只是一個深愛故鄉的在地人…… 熱切地與您分享 集集的美 What a Jiji Town! Here, we share interesting stories about this lovely rural town, Jiji. And invite our mayor, a man who loves his hometown deeply, to share the goodness of this wonderful place. 鎮長的話-為何用英文拍? 雙語教育成為越來越多家長關心的議題,但我想提醒每個正在學習英文的集集孩子,英文不是學科,而是一個讓世界認識自己的一項工具,所以我們不應該只是學好英文,而是要懂得用英文表達自己,介紹自己的家鄉。 因此我希望能從自身做起,用英文介紹我深愛的集集小鎮,期盼長大之後的你們也能夠自信並流暢地大聲告訴全世界,你們來自一個被集集大山擁抱,濁水大溪祝福的小鎮-集集。 The words from the mayor - Why did we shoot this video in English? Bilingualism has been receiving increasing attention among Taiwanese parents. However, kids learning English need to understand that English language is not simply a subject to conquer. It is a tool for you to communicate with the world about yourself, about where you came from. More than learning to speak good English, we should learn how to better express ourselves in English. Hence, to better illustrate this idea, I am setting an example by introducing my beloved hometown, Jiji town, using English in these videos. Here is hoping every kid of Jiji town will be able to confidently express themselves in time to come. You can then give a shoutout to the world about your beautiful rural hometown, one that embraces the Jiji mountain and Zhuoshui river - A lovely town named Jiji. ...................................................... 英文旁白:集集鎮長陳紀衡 (Narrated by the Mayor of Jiji Town, Chen Ji-Heng) 感謝單位(Special Thanks to the): 行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心(Endemic Species Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan) ...................................................... 👉歡迎來集集 ! 詳情資訊請見粉絲專頁 (Check-out our fanpage for more information) 👉關注鎮長動態 (Meet the Mayor of Jiji Town) 💖如果喜歡今天的影片的話,請幫我們按讚或訂閱💖
【集集好好】集集文教的起源 (What a JiJi Town- Where the Education in Jiji Has Begun):Be a Local Tourist

【集集好好】集集文教的起源 (What a JiJi Town- Where the Education in Jiji Has Begun):Be a Local Tourist

集集好好,集結美好。 把集集最好的故事跟您分享。 他是陳紀衡,集集鎮長。 但在影片中,他只是一個深愛故鄉的在地人…… 熱切地與您分享 集集的美 What a Jiji Town! Here, we share interesting stories about this lovely rural town, Jiji. And invite our mayor, a man who loves his hometown deeply, to share the goodness of this wonderful place. 鎮長的話-為何用英文拍? 雙語教育成為越來越多家長關心的議題,但我想提醒每個正在學習英文的集集孩子,英文不是學科,而是一個讓世界認識自己的一項工具,所以我們不應該只是學好英文,而是要懂得用英文表達自己,介紹自己的家鄉。 因此我希望能從自身做起,用英文介紹我深愛的集集小鎮,期盼長大之後的你們也能夠自信並流暢地大聲告訴全世界,你們來自一個被集集大山擁抱,濁水大溪祝福的小鎮-集集。 The words from the mayor - Why did we shoot this video in English? Bilingualism has been receiving increasing attention among Taiwanese parents. However, kids learning English need to understand that English language is not simply a subject to conquer. It is a tool for you to communicate with the world about yourself, about where you came from. More than learning to speak good English, we should learn how to better express ourselves in English. Hence, to better illustrate this idea, I am setting an example by introducing my beloved hometown, Jiji town, using English in these videos. Here is hoping every kid of Jiji town will be able to confidently express themselves in time to come. You can then give a shoutout to the world about your beautiful rural hometown, one that embraces the Jiji mountain and Zhuoshui river - A lovely town named Jiji. ...................................................... 英文旁白:集集鎮長陳紀衡 (Narrated by the Mayor of Jiji Town, Chen Ji-Heng) 感謝單位(Special Thanks to the): 明新書院管理委員會(Mingxin Academy Committee) 石俊雄 (Shih Jyun-Syong) ...................................................... 👉歡迎來集集 ! 詳情資訊請見粉絲專頁 (Check-out our fanpage for more information) 👉關注鎮長動態 (Meet the Mayor of Jiji Town) 💖如果喜歡今天的影片的話,請幫我們按讚或訂閱💖
【集集好好】你所不知道的武昌宮 (What a JiJi Town- The hidden stories behind the collapsing temple)

【集集好好】你所不知道的武昌宮 (What a JiJi Town- The hidden stories behind the collapsing temple)

集集好好,集結美好。 把集集最好的故事跟您分享。 他是陳紀衡,集集鎮長。 但在影片中,他只是一個深愛故鄉的在地人…… 熱切地與您分享 集集的美 What a Jiji Town! Here, we share interesting stories about this lovely rural town, Jiji. And invite our mayor, a man who loves his hometown deeply, to share the goodness of this wonderful place. 鎮長的話-為何用英文拍? 雙語教育成為越來越多家長關心的議題,但我想提醒每個正在學習英文的集集孩子,英文不是學科,而是一個讓世界認識自己的一項工具,所以我們不應該只是學好英文,而是要懂得用英文表達自己,介紹自己的家鄉。 因此我希望能從自身做起,用英文介紹我深愛的集集小鎮,期盼長大之後的你們也能夠自信並流暢地大聲告訴全世界,你們來自一個被集集大山擁抱,濁水大溪祝福的小鎮-集集。 The words from the mayor - Why did we shoot this video in English? Bilingualism has been receiving increasing attention among Taiwanese parents. However, kids learning English need to understand that English language is not simply a subject to conquer. It is a tool for you to communicate with the world about yourself, about where you came from. More than learning to speak good English, we should learn how to better express ourselves in English. Hence, to better illustrate this idea, I am setting an example by introducing my beloved hometown, Jiji town, using English in these videos. Here is hoping every kid of Jiji town will be able to confidently express themselves in time to come. You can then give a shoutout to the world about your beautiful rural hometown, one that embraces the Jiji mountain and Zhuoshui river - A lovely town named Jiji. ...................................................... 英文旁白:集集鎮長陳紀衡 (Narrated by the Mayor of Jiji Town, Chen Ji-Heng) 感謝單位(Special Thanks to the): 武昌宮管理委員會(Jiji Wuchang Temple Committee) ...................................................... 背景音樂(Track Info): Reverie by Scott Buckley Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library ...................................................... 👉歡迎來集集 ! 詳情資訊請見粉絲專頁 (Check-out our fanpage for more information) 👉關注鎮長動態 (Meet the Mayor of Jiji Town) 💖如果喜歡今天的影片的話,請幫我們按讚或訂閱💖

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